Wildlife Dos & Don’ts

Do keep your cat inside, especially during spring and summer when baby birds are on the ground learning to fly.

Do try to put baby birds who are found on the ground back into the nest (if they have not been attacked by cats). Mother birds will not reject babies who have been handled by people.

Do drive with care on dark roads. Automobile-related injuries are one of the main reasons animals are admitted to PAWS Wildlife Center.

Do keep injured animals in a warm, quiet place until they can be transported to the rehabilitation center. Do not give the animal any food or water. Learn how to help injured wildlife.

Do put caps on chimneys and seal up any entrances to your house before a wild animal decides to move in.

Do keep trash in secure containers equipped with sealable lids, or equip regular trash cans with tie-downs or weights placed on the lids, to keep the animals out.

Don’t attempt to treat a wild animal yourself. If you can do so safely, transport the animal to PAWS or to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator near you as soon as possible.

Don’t assume that animals who are alone always need your help. Many wild animal mothers (such as Harbor Seals) will leave their young alone for long periods of time.

Don’t try to solve the problem of animals nesting in attics during the spring and summer as babies (and protective parents) may be there. Wait until early fall when the young leave the nest, then permanently repair any access holes.

Don’t feed wildlife. Doing so may harm the animals, cause them to become aggressive, and decrease their healthy fear of humans.

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