Parasitic Jaeger

November 16, 2022

This parasitic jaeger, a new species for the wildlife center, arrived on Monday. Jaeger means hunter, and this species is known for pursuing seabirds in flight and stealing their food. They nest in the Arctic tundra and usually migrate along the coast, but there are records indicating that they will also migrate over land. Given the time of year, that is likely what this young bird was doing. As many young jaegers aren’t efficient at stealing food, she may not have had enough energy stores to make the trip to South America. She was rescued in Idaho, sent to WSU’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Pullman, and eventually transferred to us, as we have the facilities to care for pelagic birds. The patient is still in serious condition, and we are doing everything we can to treat her emaciation, anemia, dehydration, and general weakness.   

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