Meet Lucy

Creating beautiful animal prints to benefit the animals.

“Be caring to animals, raise money to help animals.” 

Like many schools, Cedar Park Elementary holds a school art market where students are able to create crafts that they can sell! Many of the students there will sell their art to raise money for local charities. Being an animal lover, Lucy saw this as an opportunity to help a charity that helps animals. With the help of her mom, she searched online for a local charity that she would want to donate to and found PAWS! 

She was very proud of herself for having accomplished in handmaking all 15 of the beautiful animal prints she had available at the school art market. Her favorite thing about doing this project for the animals was making the art. She also really enjoyed selling it because with each new customer that purchased from her, she knew she was helping the animals she loves so much.  

When asked what advice she gives to other kids like her that want to help the animals, she said, “Be caring to animals, raise money to help animals.” 

Click here to view other Leaders of the Pack members, and contact us at if you’re interested in completing a project for the animals.

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