Meet Audrey

Dedicating her service to animals!

Audrey is dedicated to ensuring all pets have a safe home.

Audrey was one of the many people who participated in PAWSwalk this year! She was inspired when her school challenged each student to pick a charitable organization to support. Audrey was of course going to choose PAWS! Audrey loves animals and wants to help them feel safe.

Audrey and her friend worked together to make flyers and cookies and went around her neighborhood and explained that they were collecting pet supplies and raising money for PAWS.



She was able to raise $110, and along with the matching donation from her mom’s workplace, the total donation was $220 and pet supplies!

Audrey’s favorite part of the project was that she was helping homeless animals be taken care of and given a safe home. She has a dog of her own and he’s very important to her. She hopes that other kids can take care of animals from PAWS.

We asked her what advice she would give to other kids like her, and she said, “It’s really not difficult to raise money and get pet supply donations because people like to help, and kids can make a difference. You can also make it fun if you do it with friends.”

We are so thankful for people like Audrey who are constantly working to make the world a better place!

Click here to view other Leaders of the Pack members, and contact us at if you’re interested in completing a project for the animals.

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