Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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PAWS recognizes that there is a troubling lack of diversity in the animal welfare community, and that we must do more to amplify underrepresented voices in our daily work. We are part of a society where systemic and institutionalized racism, sexism and homophobia are pervasive, and we know that we must actively do our part to end these unacceptable societal norms by becoming equally committed to being active allies and community members. To this end, we commit to taking meaningful action to address racial and societal inequity within our organization, our community, and the field of animal welfare.

More specifically, we are investing in implicit bias training for staff, actively recruiting people of color for employment and Board opportunities, and encouraging a more diverse volunteer base through community outreach. We are establishing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee to offer ideas, share resources, and provide guidance, and to bring forward voices who might not otherwise be heard or involved in our work. We have a lot of listening to do, and are reaching out with intention to bring in missing perspectives.

As we see our way through major changes, some things have not changed. As our core values and mission guide our work with animals, they also guide us as we as we continue to navigate this unprecedented time, by remaining steadfastly committed to providing compassionate, kind and respectful services to animals, and to the people who love animals.